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Created custom blocks for for use with the BBC micro:bit

Kitronik :CREATE Simple Servo Control Board for BBC micro:bit

pxt-kitronik-simple-servo Blocks

Custom blocks for :CREATE Simple Servo Control Board for BBC micro:bit. These are easy to use blocks to have full control over driving servos.
Below are a list of the different blocks and their functions.

setServoAngle(servoSelection: ServoChoice, degrees: number)

kitronik_simple_servo.setServoAngle(kitronik_simple_servo.ServoChoice.servo1, 90)

For 180 servos, this block will turn the servo selected to the entered number of degrees.
The degrees range from 0 to 180 with 90 being the centre.

setServoNeutral(servoSelection: ServoChoice)


For 180 servos, this block will turn the servo selected to it’s central/neutral position. This is typically 90 degrees.

servoRunPercentage(servoSelection: ServoChoice, direction: ServoDirection, percentSpeed: number)

kitronik_simple_servo.servoRunPercentage(kitronik_simple_servo.ServoChoice.servo1, kitronik_simple_servo.ServoDirection.CW, 50)

Continuous servos can use this block for setting a rotation speed between 0 and 100% in a selected direction for a given servo.

servoStop(servoSelection: ServoChoice)


For any type of servo, this block will stop driving it with a PWM signal.
To engage the servo again, any of the servo blocks will start sending the servo a PWM signal.



Supported targets

Use as Extension

This repository can be added as an extension in MakeCode.